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People Are Just Now Finding Out What the Metal Rivets on Jeans Are Used for and Now It All Makes Sense

Oct 03, 2023

If you’re a jean fanatic, you might be interested to know that the tiny metal rivets on your jeans are not just for decoration.

Just like the tiny pocket that had the internet shook on what they’re supposed to be used for, the metal studs on your jeans also have a specific job, or at least they used too.

Typically located on the outside corners of your front pockets, the circular metal pieces are commonly found on Levi jeans since the late 1800s and is also one of the reasons why the quality of your jeans are long-lasting.

By hammering small disks on metal studs that pierced through the jean’s fabric, it was American tailor Jacob Davis who created the invention and the look.

Levi Strauss & Co. even patented the infamous design of the metal rivets you see on most jeans that quickly became essential to the pants.

So what are the metal rivets used for on jeans; the answer is simple.

Thanks to one Reddit user who was curious enough to ask the question and another commented:

“Rivets were used to strengthen denim pants when they were used primarily for work. Over the years, the need for them diminished, but the appeal did not.”

It was common for workers in the 1807s who owned jeans to have problems with their pocket corners wearing and eventually tearing.

And that’s exactly when Jacob Davis came up with the idea to secure the pockets with tiny metal rivets that created a solution to the problem.

However nowadays, jeans don’t necessarily have use for the metal rivets anymore and are now, simply kept as a sentiment to the early design in our go-to jeans.

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